Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a river thanking god that you're not a bushwa ahole? That is exactly where I found myself this past weekend. It was time for the annual 3 day 300 mile fishing extravaganza, so I headed the 4x4 eastward towards the Mountain Fork.
I reached the river by 1:30pm friday and quickly gathered my gear to do some major recon, plus i had to meet the rest of the group at 3:00pm. Wow, what a picture perfect view.
I decided to go with the San Juan Worm in size 14 and had several hits but no takers. Hello, drop down to size 16. One Problem, I had none. So that night I whipped a few up for the morning's 24 degree frozen battlefield.
After a bit of a walk I found a nice pool with plenty of bubbles and a medium current. One cast Two cast Three cast Bang. Fish on! The only problem I had was, fast water. I had to take off at a dead run down stream in order to find slow water and net the first fish of the trip.
Shortly after that in the same spot, bang. Fish number two on!
By 9am four fish were brought to hand, two of size and two stockers. 9am also brought the only other fisherman of the morning. The fishing and the company went down hill from there. One after another after another they made their way up the river taking up pockets, runs, pools and ripples. Everyone in $400 dollar waders $500 dollars jackets $800 dollar fly rods $10 dollar Churchill Cigars they always fish in packs and one group even had a casting instructor. W.T.F., you have to be kidding me. A casting instructor? I couldn't help myself from laughing. I make it no secret that I have no love for the Bushwa crowd.